
Showing posts from December, 2008

Money made today

New years eve plans!

student loan update

Today's spending

I did it!

Hives again

Sunday spending

Saturday spending

Boxing Day part 2

Boxing Day

The dust has settled...

Merry Christmas

Its Christmas eve and snowing again...

Pay day spending.

Figuring out who gets what!

The end of the snow for today!

its only been 2 hours and the drifts are even higher

The storm

Found my bank card

So far today...

Spending today...

Covered in hives!

Friday's aniticpated spending

Thursday spending December 18

I still haven't stopped, well until now...


Tuesday spending

Monday Spending

Not the most productive day!

Being tempted!

Looking back... a moment of reflection.

I'm tired....

student loan update

Trying to get ready for Christmas

I just saved 113.00

Another snow day

Thursday spending December 11/08

The price of gas

Feeling like I'm behind the 8 ball...

Trying to figure out the side bars...

Today's duties...


Dwelling on yesterday


Spending on Saturday

Friday spending

Today is a designanted no spend day!

Thursday spending

First day of no spending, 15 more to go.

I'm half done my week and thinking about my closet.

Today has been a long day!
