
Showing posts from August, 2010

So I went to the office today...

Summer is offically over for me!

Friday - no spend and work

Shopping in the big city can be dangerous to the wallet!

Tuesday August 24- A new crackberry for DD, plus the tally so far for today

Total damages for Monday, the 23rd

Friday's expenses

Beach day today!

Another relaxing day

Spending for Tueday the 17th

What did I do today?

Today's the 14th- time for a spending update

Friday the 13th

Managed another no spend day.

What are the chances?

Off to work again tonight.

No spend day...

Today's spends

Today's spend 67.??

Spending today, August 6, 2010

Thursday August 5th

The damage today

Tuesday, a day of feeling unsettled...

Sunday and Monday the start of August

The results of the limited spending in July...