
Showing posts from May, 2010

The to do list is getting smaller1

Taking the day off

I told you so... My spidey senses told me so!

Up at the crack of dawn

Following a schedule

I've booked my vacation time and job updates.

scared by a hummingbird

deleted a comment somehow

back at it

This week-end was not so productive...

Feeling burnt out

You know when your a geek when...

It's taking longer than I thought! Plus a photo of last nights supper.

Spending money on a Monday

Love and Loss on Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

A couple of more things knocked off the to do list

Today's news

Yahoo! The shower/tub is finally ready for use!

I managed 2 out of 3 no spend days so far.

My to do list for the week ( and more)