She's only been back a few days and is driving me crazy!
My anal retentive- obsessive compulsive co-worker is back from her sick leave. She is already driving everyone crazy! Thank goodness I only have about 8 working days left with her, and then I'll be working from home again until the contract is done ( for the most part). I'm already tired of her making private calls with her door open, hovering over my desk asking me if I've seen this document before ( yes I have, as I created it), and last but not least, in the staff lounge, eating lunch, picking at my leftovers... ( she's notoriously cheap and a scrounge)...
Let the count down begin!
If you have stopped by with a comment yet, please comment on my last post with the paintings!
Let the count down begin!
If you have stopped by with a comment yet, please comment on my last post with the paintings!