Getting ready...
To clean the house... Not going to happen, more drywall dust to follow
Walk the dog... played fetch in a fenced in area, managed to run at the same time...
mail my made with love gifts... It's in the mail... however no guarantee when it will arrive ( it is going far, far away and I had a mental budget of how much it was going to cost to mail and I was right on target) Oh and I mailed out painting #4, the water one (it had 4 votes vs painting #1, but I felt that it was more symbolic of where I live)
Got hair cut ( which I forgot about)
Booked trip down south next winter... 5 star all inclusive for 1526.00 ( That's where my savings will be going for the next six months)...
Bought groceries and dog food... I'll be eating well for the next week. ( 60.00)
will be back later ... * updated*
Walk the dog... played fetch in a fenced in area, managed to run at the same time...
mail my made with love gifts... It's in the mail... however no guarantee when it will arrive ( it is going far, far away and I had a mental budget of how much it was going to cost to mail and I was right on target) Oh and I mailed out painting #4, the water one (it had 4 votes vs painting #1, but I felt that it was more symbolic of where I live)
Got hair cut ( which I forgot about)
Booked trip down south next winter... 5 star all inclusive for 1526.00 ( That's where my savings will be going for the next six months)...
Bought groceries and dog food... I'll be eating well for the next week. ( 60.00)
will be back later ... * updated*
I,m just back fro one and already planning the next to New Zealand.
I,m just back fro one and already planning the next to New Zealand.