Getting ready...

To clean the house... Not going to happen, more drywall dust to follow

Walk the dog... played fetch in a fenced in area, managed to run at the same time...

mail my made with love gifts... It's in the mail... however no guarantee when it will arrive ( it is going far, far away and I had a mental budget of how much it was going to cost to mail and I was right on target) Oh and I mailed out painting #4, the water one (it had 4 votes vs painting #1, but I felt that it was more symbolic of where I live)

Got hair cut ( which I forgot about)

Booked trip down south next winter... 5 star all inclusive for 1526.00 ( That's where my savings will be going for the next six months)...

Bought groceries and dog food... I'll be eating well for the next week. ( 60.00)

will be back later ... * updated*


Jane said…
Amazing what you get accomplished! I'm due to cut my hair this weekend, I do it myself!
jpkittie said…
great list of accomplishments! And great job getting your vacation booked - that is wonderful - now you can save up & be totally prepared! :)
Maureen said…
I bet you are looking forward to your now booked vacation.
I,m just back fro one and already planning the next to New Zealand.
Maureen said…
I bet you are looking forward to your now booked vacation.
I,m just back fro one and already planning the next to New Zealand.
Canadian Saver said…
Ahhh where in the south did you book?? Sounds awesome!
Sue Sharp said…
This is Sue, your Made With Love recipient! Since I don't have an email address for you, I'm leaving a message here to say I'm overwhelmed by your wonderful painting (and that I feel slightly sick from eating chocolate marshmallows!). I'd write too, but just wanted to send you a message that your painting arrived safely and was immediately loved.