The end of an era...

Yesterday, my darling puppy, my golden boy crossed the rainbow bridge. It was a very hard decision to make, but watching him fail like he had in the past few weeks, I knew it was time. He's been around for just over 10 years and impacted lives of a lot of people. He even got to meet Jane in PEI... I've shed lots of tears over the past few days, and I'll miss him dearly...


I'm so sorry, Sam. It's such a difficult thing to do, even when you know it's the only way. Sending a big hug to you! xx
Jane said…
I'm so glad I got to meet your golden boy, he was so sweet! Yes, you'll miss him dearly and shed many more tears. I had the most loveable dog from age 4 to 18 and I still shed a few tears about her from time to time. Perhaps that's why I only have cats now though they are wonderful too in their own way. But a dog is such a good friend and can do things with you and provide so much love and memories. My heart goes out to you Sam <3 Hugs!
T'Pol said…
So sorry for your loss Sam. I came here to wish you Happy Holidays but found this last post. I have always wanted to be a dog's human but my lifestyle and small apartment made it impossible.

Looking forward to updates from you and wishing you a Happy New Year.
Jolie said…
Same day as my kitty. They make such an impression on our lives and such a missing part when they are gone. hugs.