November 6/16

The month of October flew by, and we're almost done the first week of November.  Yikes!  What have I been up to lately?

I went to the bank, with my head hanging a little low two weeks ago and got all my piddly and not so piddly debts rolled into one debt, which will be paid off in about 5 years. I ended up with 35,000 in consumer debt and lines of credit etc. Actually it was about 33,000, but we decided that it was a good idea for me to have a small buffer. I feel like I can breath again and I lowered my CC to a much smaller amount, closed out the revolving line of credit, paid off the gov't, and other stuff... I also paid off the overdraft and closed it off. My house and car are not in this loan either.  I have two years left on the car, and LG is a mechanic and he'll be able to keep my car going for a very long time...

I started my Christmas shopping and have a big chunk done. I have my list of things left to get and I'll be finished in a few weeks.  I do not go crazy buying stuff for people.  I buy for my DD, LG, DB, my mom, two nephews and my god daughter and her sister.  My plan for the month of December is to sit back and relax, enjoy the season, bake, cook and visit. I'll be working very little in December, 8  x 11.25 hour days to be exact!

Work is changing again... LOL... I'll be going back to working nights again. This not seeing the sun for 4 days is for the birds... My mom is going to keep the dogs for my sleep day between the two night shifts...  I'm still working at my PT job, about 6-8 hours a week on average. It's a pace I can handle.

I celebrated my 47th birthday recently, and LG gifted me with a new pair of bogs and a dozen roses... This man gets me... I am so blessed to have met him and I tell him every day!  My mom cooked a turkey dinner and we had a great time.

My back is healing and I'm going back to the gym on Tuesday! I can't wait to start back! I've been focused on my food consumption and this made a difference. I've been dropping a bit of the weight that i gained... :)

My life is what i make it, and it's a happy one! (  yes, there are days when I struggle, but I'm persevering!)

Oh and you know what? As of today, i have 98 days tobacco free! :) How's everyone else doing? Canadian Saver? Quest to Be? Island Witch?  ( I miss reading your blogs!) Any one else care to share?


Linda said…
Congratulations on not smoking for 98 days! What are bogs? Did you figure out the total amount more that you will be paying by consolidating? I am not being critical, just wondering.
its me, sam said…
Hi Linda, Bogs are a type of winter boot. They're rubber and neoprene, and made for cold weather -40 Celsius... I did the math and it made the most sense. I've been working at paying off a vast majority of these debts for a long time and not getting anywhere... So now i have a specific number and date when all will be done... Mentally it made me much happier... No more nickle and diming myself, one lump sum. It's not for everyone, but its what worked for me... :)
Jane said…
98 days!! I'm so proud of you! I believe consolidation was the way to go. You'll be so relieved once that consumer debt is gone!
Linda said…
I need bogs! I may live in the South of the US, but I am tired of cold and wet feet when I have to slog through the yard to get into the house. I know I am getting old when wet feet make me freeze!