Nov 14/16

I hope everyone had a great week and weekend. It was remembrance day on Friday. It poured rain... I stopped at 11:11 and said a prayer for all those lost in wars and time of conflict.

I was off for 6 days, was down for the count on Thursday, but I got a lot of stuff done around the house. It was very nice to see the clutter and dust leave my room... I didn't have a lot of clutter or junk, but things sometimes just seem to creep up. ( I'm messy by nature, and have a hard time keeping things organized but I can always find that one piece of paper or document I need, lol).

Tonight I'm thinning out my book collection and will donate the books to the local library.  I'm on the hunt for a small deep freeze, so I need to have the basement cleaned up as well. I'm getting things ready for outdoor Xmas decorations as well. It's been warmer than normal, so I want to get the outside done ASAP, so I'm not freezing my hands off. I'll be finished my Christmas shopping soon I hope and will mail DD's parcel to her by December 1st.

The dogs are good, they both got groomer this past week... Poor girl is shaved bald... She's getting rather plump... My male is doing great... He seems to be maintaining these days... :)

This week I'll be working two long shifts at my PT job, a 10:30 - 8:00 and a 5-1 shift.... It's the first time in a very long time that I'll work that many hours in two days there... I hope to make good money (I'd like to make between 350 and 400 )...  Sunday I'm taking my momma to a play and making raspberry jam with a friend... I'll visit with LG and DB a few evenings too...

That my friends is all that is happening here... I hope things are going ok for you as well.

Oh and I have been tobacco free for 106 days... :)


Linda said…
I got rid of 800 books, ten books each day until all remaining books had a piece of real estate on a shelf and not the floor or table. I only have 1000 left.