June 8/16

The month of June seems to be ticking along quite nicely. I some how managed to pick up a 24 hour bug that kicked in Monday while I was at work... YUCK. I slept 9 hours that night and another 4 plus yesterday afternoon... I woke up from my nap covered in sweat, and felt much better! Nothing like a shower to perk you up!

I was off for 5 days last week and traveled to visit friends in the community where I worked for three years. I hadn't been back since I left in June 2012, so it was long over due! It was very nice to visit, but so sad to see the decay of the small town...

Saturday we went to Freddy, and hit the market, home depot and Costco... and my sisters place for a visit and we planned out the menu for PEI... Saturday evening was spent making burgers and cutting up pork tender loin ( they were around 11.00 a piece at costco)...

Sunday morning I slept in and had a long walk with the dogs and Sunday afternoon found me at LG's home where he cleaned my car and puttered around his yard, weeding garden beds...  

The count down is on to PEI, where everyone in my immediate family will be there minus  three nephews... ( my brothers step sons)...

That my friends has been my life as of late...

I have a list of things to do here at my home, which I will begin to tackle on Friday...


Jane said…
How long does it take to get to Fredericton? I was laid low earlier this week but I think it was allergies which I don't really suffer from very much. But there was a ton of white fluff in the air and while I was riding my bike I got it in my eys, nose and mouth - horrible stuff!
Sorry to hear you were so sick! I suppose the silver lining is that it didn't last very long and that you feel much better now :D I do love your updates. xx