The count down is on...

Two more sleeps until I get ready to see DD. I'm so excited to see her!  She's have her 23rd birthday while I'm there, it'll be the first one we've celebrate together for a while.

The lovely  gentleman and I have gone out, hung out together six times in since our first date. we talk, we laugh and we are totally ourselves together. I jumped on the back of his Harley yesterday and I wasn't scared. We went to Papineau Falls ( a place I've never been before), and it was beautiful. I even cooked supper for him and it turned out... I get to see him again tonight...

The dogs are good, loving the fall weather. They're still getting their walks in ( they like the lovely gentleman).

I made it to the gym 5 days last week, and will get there three times this week.

I'm off to get ready for the gym,
I hope everyone has a good week...


The Witch said…

Have a great time with your D.D.
Wow 23. Hope you celebrate someplace special.
Glad you have lots in common with the lovely gentlemen, and a bonus that you laugh together and have such fun in each others company.
So happy for you Sam. Take care and have a wonderful vacation with D.D.