It's official, summer is now half way done...

Today marked the civic holiday here in NB.  Saturday night was a huge bust at the restaurant, but I still managed to work 7 hours, so it was good.

Sunday morning my mother treated me to breakfast and we took the dogs on a nice long walk. I then came home, putted around for a bit and went out to a BBQ and then I had a few drinks. We were chatting up a storm and I mentioned that my DD was turning 23. One girl turned and asked me how old I was. When I said I was going to be 46, she almost fell out of her chair. She thought I was in my mid thirties...  Gotta love it! We went to an outdoor dance with a kick ass band. It was 20.00 to get in, but drink were 4/ each so it wasn't a huge expense. We danced all night and it felt wonderful. I meet some nice people, and had lots of laughs... Which was much needed. I arrived home at 2:30 in the morning and was up at 9.

 I drank lots of water, walked the dogs and drank coffee until my mother could take me to get my car. I did a few things around the house, had a power snooze and trotted off to the restaurant. I worked @ my pt job tonight and it was crazy busy. Large tables of 10-15 people walking in every 10-15 minutes for 5 hours, then a table of 30 at 10:30. Yep, we ran our butts off tonight. We had a blast working, some minor hiccups here and there, but most tables were really kind about the comedy of errors that occurred on  a few occasions this evening. 

This week will find me working the usual 3-11, two lunch shifts @ my PT job and then it's race time Saturday morning... I'm going out Saturday night, then Sunday is going to be a beach day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Jane said…
Feels like summer is just beginning!! We had some hot weather in July but not much. Last night I needed a blanket it was so cool! You're living right my friend - that's why you don't look your age :)
T'Pol said…
The last two weeks have been way too hot so, if the summer is half done, I do not have problems with that. Where I live, you can usually sense a change in the weather after the second or third week of August. My favorite season is the Fall so, I look forward to it. Oh! Btw, come visit my blog for my latest post:)