Saturday, April 18,2015

THE SUN IS SHINING, the snow is melting fast... Spring is on it's way...

I hung my bed sheets on the line today... My bed will smell sweet tomorrow night... My mom and I had a lovely walk this morning with the dogs, very little mud around...  The river is opening up, the birds are singing like crazy, and we saw a blue heron this morning... I'm working tonight, it should be busy, and tomorrow I am off... Not sure what the weather will be like, but it doesn't matter, I'll make the best of it... I've been doing little bits of yard work each day, ( like sweeping the fir needles), so it won't be overwhelming all at once. I've been tracking my spending, and I finally found underwear that fits... ( 30.10 for 8 pairs... three were on sale of 2.88 each down from 9.99 each... the other 5 were in a pack for 17.99, so that bring my clothing total to 180 ish so far this year)...

Happy Saturday, as I must go and get some more things done...


slugmama said…
Hurray for underwear that fits!
One of the small pleasures in life.....
Jane said…
I took a chance and bought underwear at Giant Tiger and they were ok! Thank God, you just never know. Going to go back and get more before they're sold out.
Hurrah for spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!