I'm so happy it's Sunday...

I'm so happy it's Sunday. No work booked, nothing on the agenda for today besides walking the dogs, going for groceries and picking up a few books. Simple, relaxed...  I decided that I'll buy dog food when I'm out today, as I have the cash, and I realized that I won't be able to carry a 40lb ( 46 with the tax0 bag of dog food for a few weeks, so best to get it ahead of time... I just need to buy some fruit, cereal cream and bread this week, so I'm guessing that 25 ( for the food)should do it...

 I really need to do a major clean out of the freezer, so this week is a good week to use up what's in there and I'll be here to cook every meal... Fiddleheads anyone?

This past week, both jobs have left me drained. People were cranky, gossipy and generally out of sorts. Last night, I seriously considered walking out the door of the restaurant for a split second. I didn't but thought of it. It was a decent night, but staff all wanted to go home, no one wanted to close, some are sick, etc.  Just a bunch of crap... Blah...

Now, on to some good points for the week.... My car wouldn't start Monday morning ( it was minus 3 with the windchill and the car sat all weekend. . I plugged it in after I tried it, it sat for 4 hours and voila, it went! So, I was a good Sam, and plugged it in the rest of the week. It started every time.  It snowed again Thursday, so I bit the bullet and shoveled the driveway. I had a 1 foot strip at the end left to do, and the company that normally cleans the driveway finished it off for me. Saving me 33.90 in the process... Some friends have passed on books for me to read this week... I'll spend  a maximum of twenty today on books for the week...

 On Valentines Day, I'm going to take care of my god daughter and her sister so their parents can go for supper in peace and quiet... Not sure what we"ll do, but I may bring some stuff to bake with, and maybe we'll pop popcorn on the stove... 

I'll take a photo of the snowheap sometime this week... I'm guessing the hill is about 8-9 feet high... I actually had to wade through the snow yesterday to dig the heat pump out. It had snow half way up it... My big dog... loved it, as he can now sort of get into the back  yard, instead of hanging out in the driveway...

Now, I must be off to change my bed and get ready for the day...
