Long time, no post...

WHy haven't I posted? No real reason, just too lazy right now... Lazy is not the right word, unmotivated is more like it. Life is just floating by right now. I've been putting things off, like changing my winter tires to summer ones, just because I couldn't be bothered to pick up the phone and make an appointment. I did call this morning and I'm going to leave here in an hour or so and go and do it. My house is a disaster, my money isn't far behind and I'm just feeling blah... Did I mention that my allergies kicked in this past week and knocked me on my ass this year? Well, they have. I'm even wheezy when I breath this year...  Ok, enough of the Debbie Downer attitude.

Now for what's good in my life:

DD and her BF are arriving sometime tomorrow for a visit.  Yippee, help around the house for getting the basement swamped out and the front walk way dug up and replanted. Oh, DD in case you didn't know, you'll be very busy on your vacation...

I've joined a 50 day challenge at the gym. My goal is to lose 8 lbs in 50 days. I'm officially 159 lbs, and wearing a size 8. I've got 108lbs of muscle, 51 lbs of fat.  So by the first week of August I'd like to be 151 lbs, 108 of muscle and 43 of fat.  I found papers from 2001 from the gym I went to then, and I weighed 179lbs then. It is possible to lose  weight when you're older, just  need to work smarter at it!

I'm feeling better just writing this stuff down... Maybe I should schedule writing dates, and that may lift my spirits...

I'm getting excited, as vacation is coming quickly... and I'm making a point to see Jane... It's official... Jane, either you can stop here on your way or I'm popping in for a visit. I think I still have the directions for Crofters lane.  Just need to send you an email to find out when your leaving!

Ok, I've got to go and shower, as I'm pretty stinky from the gym, actually I don;t smell, but I am a giant salt lick... The dogs love it when I get home...

Happy Friday all, and I'm vowing to post on a more regular basis this summer... twice a week for sure, Sunday's and Thursday's I'm thinking... Thanks for sticking with me... It's going to be 6 years in August that I started writing this blog!


The Witch said…
Glad you are back. At least you have posted. I have been terribly unmotivated. Does your company have a work/health incentive? Ours has just sent me a fitbit for free and three free sessions with a fitness coach.
You must be so excited to see DD and BF. Glad they will be around to help you get your house in shape.
Hope your feeling better soon.
Happy Friday!!!
slugmama said…
So Jealous you get to see Jane!

I guess I need to get a passport if I'm every going to get back to Canada. I haven't been to Canada since shortly after 911.
Jane said…
Hurrah!! I can't wait to meet you in person! You just made my day. Here's my email: j_harrison@rogers.com
When are you in PEI and where will you be when you're on the island? I'm on a timeline on my way out as I've booked myself into a raw foods workshop so I'm thinking it'd be less rushed etc to meet up in PEI. Send me details!! Now I'm getting REALLY excited!