and this is it for decorations...

I've decided to forgo a tree this year and bought a beautiful wreath instead. It has pine, fir and cedar ( so my house smells like Christmas, minus the fuss and mess this year).  I put up some white lights and it's done. I moved the nativity to a side table and it looks quite nice in it's new location.

I'm done with the gift buying ( I think), just need to wrap a few things, bake a few things and mail a few cards and DD's parcel. I plan on sitting in front of the fire every evening after work and just relaxing. I'm off on Christmas day ( a half day on Xmas eve at my ft job and boxing day will be split bw my pt and ft job).

This is how this empty nester is doing Christmas this year. No fuss, no muss, after all isn't it supposed to be a time of joy and reflection? Doing things you love, and what makes you happy, instead of giving into others expectations of what you should do?

Happy Monday all!

PS, my parcel from the Children's place will be delivered today, can't wait to see the clothes for the girls!


slugmama said…
Do what works for you, I say!
Good job.
Jolie said…
I was just working on my blog post on how little I decorated this year :-) Yours looks lovely!
The Witch said…
Very nice and easy to disassemble after the holidays.
Sounds like a working Holiday for you. Hopefully you make great tips and have some time to spend with family and friends.
Started my baking last week. What a chore, I guess I'm not into it this year.
Jane said…
That really looks nice Sam! This could be my last year with Kazi living at home - a friend's apt is coming up soon - they're moving and the lease is up in May - she may take it once she has a look at it. I'll believe it when I see it lol!
Susie Q said…
"After all isn't it supposed to be a time of joy and reflection? Doing things you love, and what makes you happy, instead of giving into others expectations of what you should do?"

Right, on!! :-)
Anonymous said…
your decorations look lovely!