June 6th...

So far the goals for this month...
walked the dog 7/5 times... ( walking the dog as soon as get home after night shifts worked this week, then add another walk in the afternoon)
I made 100/400 so far ( I got paid from my PT job yesterday, 140, but not sure if I should count it in), if so 240/400).
Spent 12.00 out of pocket so far this month ( I'll be spending money today however).
House work- nope, thought about it, but didn't start yet.
 and this is my third blog spot this week!

I'm joining the gym this week ( 135/3 months), as I want to build muscle now. I'll be paying cash for this. I'm going to mow the lawn this morning, and I have a hair appointment this morning too. It's been 3 months since I had a cut, so I'm excited. The dog and I, plus one of my BFF's and her dog are going to venture off for a hike this afternoon, and I may even go out for lunch. Add a few groceries and I should be good for the week!

Hope everyone is having a great week.


Michelle said…
I need to work on walking my dogs more. I have been horrible with that!
The Witch said…
So glad you are keeping up with your goals.
House cleaning can always wait when the sun is shining and the air is warm.
Nice to have that extra income.
Enjoy your day.