Taxes are done...

and I owe 25.00 This could change as I may not have had all the paper work I needed...

Had blood taken today, and she got it first crack! I'm happy with that. I have day surgery next week,  I may need to have a friend stay with me for the night... or stay at my mothers.

The dog made his bi-weekly trip to the vets office, glands are still full, back again in two weeks. He went through a mud hole during our walk, I'm going to have to wash the floors. LOL

I'm going away this weekend. Pretty excited.

The sun's been shining all weekend, great to get things done... Oh, and Lobster season beings today... YUMMO...

Karissa is back to blogging... :)

Now,  if only Canadian  Saver and J udi were back... :)

And last but not least, the dog and I are 29/29 days walked this month!


The Witch said…
Lobster's will be at my house tomorrow and I can't wait.
Great job on your walking!
Have a great weekend get away.
I also miss Canadian Saver. It was always yours and her site I went to first.
Hopefully you don't disappear, I would be heart broken.
I just love your blog site.
Nd.chic said…
Canadian Saver was one of the first blogs that I ever read. I wonder how she is doing.
Kristine said…
Thanks for the mention ;)
toots said…
Feeling bad for the puppy, it must be so uncomfortable.
I noticed you mentioned a couple of bloggers that are back, do you have any idea if Saving4Later is back, I tried to go onto her site and it told me I had to contact her, but I have no idea how to do that. Any help would be great. Thanks so much.
Jane said…
I miss Cdn Saver too - there aren't as many Canadian bloggers as there are American :( And of course I'm very partial to those in Atlantic Canada :) I used to visit Karissa's site too so will add her back onto my blogroll.
Glad to hear you are recovering from your surgery and just know that you will get back to your daily walks soon.
Happy Mother's Day to you too!! And for the really bad news - it's pouring down ice pellets here - waaaaaaahh!!