April 5th?

So I've been a slacker the past few weeks.  I've been knocked out with a sinus infection this past week, ( I just finished antibiotics last night and they tired me out!).

The dog went to the vet again and his poor bum... The glands were full again, so I'm going to switch him over to food from the vets ( and it's not cheap, but hopefully it'll fix the problem).  Plus, we discovered that the dog is not a lab,border collie/sheltie mix, but he's a Nova Scotia Duck Toller/Lab mix...  which explains why his nose changes color from black to pink during the year and his crazy tail... Also helped explain the constant retrieval of shoes/clothes, etc...

My dad has been having mini-stokes about once a week ( slurred speech, unsteady on his feet, mental confusion)... I'm trying to help my mother as much as I can. It's very common.

I've started menopause ( hot flashes, night sweats, erratic periods). Working shift work doesn't help with this...

My FT job is meh... I tend to speak out, and while what I say makes sense to my co-workers, management doesn't like/ignores a voice of experience. I was dealing with a very stressful situation lately and spoke about it. I received a lovely email telling me basically to suck it up and to engage in more self care.... I had earlier stated to my boss in the same conversation  everything I do for myself,  sunshine, exercise, eating well, yoga, having fun with friends, etc, but apparently it's not enough...

My Pt job, I worked last night for the first time in almost three weeks. It was ok...

I've been reading lots, watching a few shows on netflix, and watching DVD's of True Blood...

Grocery spending has been good but I have a ton of things to use up in the fridge right now ( all I'll need is milk, eggs and bread), so my goal for this month is to use up everything in the fridge/freezer, and only buy the absolute necessities...

Now, I must be off and walk the dog... Gotta get my vitamin D...


The Witch said…
Hang in there. It seems you have had a very stressful time lately. I hope your Dad is ok, and your Mom who it will take the most out of. Work seems like a crazy place and some bosses just don't get it. Looks like you might be dealing with one of those.
Try and have a good weekend and do one thing special for yourself to make your day happy.
Jane said…
I think part of it is the delay in spring arriving. I'm just about climbing the walls as I prefer to live outdoors as much as possible.
Sorry to hear about the mini-strokes - is there nothing that can be done medication wise?
Work has been horrible for me lately - along with 2 other co-workers I was accused of bullying and harassment of an educational assistant. It was pure hell going in everyday but after a month long investigation the allegations were dropped, she won't be returning to my school and in fact there is a trespassing order against her even coming near the school!!! Crazy! So I'm still recovering from that trauma but slowly starting to feel better.
Hope things pick up for you soon - hope its sunny where you are!