Week 3 Decluttering & Budget Challenges!!
Time for new challenges!!! Are you ready?! 

Decluttering Challenge: Choose a closet, any closet, and clean it out!! Pick 2 closets if you're feeling really energetic & determined!! Take before & after photos so you can awe & inspire everyone else participating in my challenges as well! ;)
  I am going to tidy my closet this afternoon... It should take about half an hour tops! I keep it tidy for the most part...

Financial Challenge: Give. Find a way in your budget to "give" financially somehow... It doesn't have to be grand, you don't have to go hungry. I just want you to go that 'extra mile' for someone else. Buy a coffee for the person in line behind you at the coffee shop, hand a $5.00 bill to a homeless person on the way to work, throw a little extra into the collection plate at church, toss your change into the charity box in front of the register at the grocery store, etc... simply give

This week I bought coffee for a coworker and I have clipped coupons that valued over 170.00 which I passed on to my co-workers. Over 3/4 were snapped up in no time! Plus, I loaned my copy of Squawks Foxes book  to another co-worker, who fell in love with it!


Hawaii Planner said…
Good luck on your challenge! You did great with your "giving"!