Passed on by Carla

No, not really, but I've been knocked out by a bug... Cold/hot sweats, cough, fever and sore bones...  I'm off to take my clean sheets out of the dryer, remake the bed and crawl back into it!

I'm drinking lots of water, and OJ, taking vitamins and eating little bits of food...


Hawaii Planner said…
Hope you feel better! We had a few sick family members at the holidays - there is something terrible going around. Get lots of rest & drink fluid!
~Carla~ said…
Awww... :( I wouldn't doubt it! ;) My kids are so bad right now... Breaks mt heart. Hope you're feeling better soon & it doesn't linger! Hugs!!
Sharon said…
Sounds like you have it and fluids!! Feel better soon!
Anonymous said…
it certainly seems to be doing the rounds of the blogosphere! hope you can rest up and are feeling better soon
Oh no! Feel better soon, Sam! x