
Tomorrow is my last day at my current job, which by times drove me crazy, but I really enjoyed it overall.  I received a lot of good feedback recently and am proud of the work I accomplished.

Sunday night I return to my old job, working shift work ( days and nights) for the first time in over 6 years... It will be boring 90 % times, high stress  the other 10% and not mentally stimulating at all.  I will go back with a positive attitude and do the job to the best of my ability. I will continue and achieve my goal of FT employment in my "current field" within the next year.  I've got the goal of applying to do my Master's in July and with a "fingers crossed" start date in October ( mainly on line).  Working nights are normally a ton of down time, so I'm thinking that I can do a lot of course work on night shifts.


Maureen said…
You will be able to put up with the boredom because you have put plans into action for your future, well done.
Jane said…
I didn't know about this goal before Sam - that's fantastic! It would be a very constructive way to fill those long night hours!