Lokking for a new job...

Yes, I'm looking for a new job... I have my old job to go back to come the end of June, but I want to continue working in the field I'm in now. So, yes, Jane, the west is looking  better and better all the time. In fact, I was looking in Alberta and Saskatchewan today and found one that I have the qualifications for.  I know for sure that there is no work in NB for me in the field I'm currently in.

So I'll continue to submit resumes, cover letters and references all over Canada.


Maureen said…
Good luck with the job hunting..
Jolie said…
There are GREAT people in Saskatchewan :-)
Jane said…
Aha...see, another Canadian blogger heard from extolling the virtues of Saskatchewan!! It's all that potash!If you do end up going west, stop to visit in Ontario first!
Good luck, Sam! You know, the North is a pretty awesome place to be, too... ;)