How I almost punched someone in the face today...

I'm standing and chatting to someone about something important to them, my back to a doorway and suddenly someone pokes my side.  ( side bar... I don't like people touching me unless I know them really well)... I turned quickly, fist cocked back and see the guy that has a crush on me, standing there with a stunned looked on his face... I shot him the look of death, and walked into my office...  and that wraps up my day! How was your work day?


Yikes! Nice save, Sam. I'm like you - don't touch me unless you know me. I hope he gets the lesson there!!
Anonymous said…
maybe you should have just punched him :),I can't stand people who get too close like that
Maureen said…
I am a person who can't stand my space being invaded, without an invite.So I know exactly where you are coming from...
Tania said…
I guess I'll go against the grain... I don't mind when people poke, hug, or touch me around my arms, shoulders, etc, as long as it is just a friendly gesture and not some sort of advance. But I agree, if you're not comfortable with it, they should've known better, especially if they have a crush on you... Part of me still wants to say that you should at least let him know that's what's going on; that you don't like to be touched by people outside your upmost family/bff circle, and not because you hate him to pieces. That's usually what death stares stand for, no?
its me, sam said…
Tanner, I've made it VERY clear to them that I don't like being touched by anyone other than family and life long friends... I gave him the death stare as I felt what he did was not acceptable... Trying to talk to someone about something was vital to them and totally disrupts the conversation...
Jane said…
I would find that very invasive, plus I'm a bit jumpy if I'm not expecting it - he's lucky you didn't break his nose!
I had not one, not two, but THREE supply EAs today...suffice it to say that I am SO GLAD this work day is over and SO looking forward to a 4 day weekend!!