A response

Judi and Amy, I'm answering the questions!

Here are my questions:

1. If you could have 3 people over for a dinner party, who would they be (and a short why)? I'd like to chat with both my grandmothers and DD's great grandmother. I'd like to know what it was really like for them growing up. ( one grandmother was born in 1902, one in 1919) and DD's was born around 1910)

2. Who is your favourite author and why? Steven King- Love the spooky factor....

3. What activities/clubs did you join in High School and what was your favourite
-High school - I took part in winter carnival and some other things that I can't for the life of me remember. I kick myself for not being in Drama...

4. Is there a movie that you can watch over and over again and never get sick of it? Why? a Shawshank Redemption - love the idea that people can put their mind to something and accomplish it. Brookes is my favortie character. I cry every time he commits suicide, but after spending 50 years in prison, where he was respected and revered, he suddenly becomes a sad, old man that society looks down upon...

5. Do you have any hobbies? Tell us about them. I love to paint... Must start this up again... Does reading count?

6. Is there someone from your past that you have lost touch with but would like to have them back in your life…who is it and why? Oh, this is a loaded question... There are a few people I'd like to see what they're up to today...

7. Tell us about your guilty pleasure - smoking...

8. Do you watch tv? What are your 3 favourite shows (and if you don’t watch tv, tells us why you don’t) Criminal Minds, CSI, Big Bang Thoery

9. What did you want to be when you grew up? A detective ( like perry mason and Nanct Drew), an archelogist, a reporter, a child psychologist... Funny, but the job I do has little bits of all this...

10. Why did you start blogging? I needed a place to talk... without criticism and a whole lot of judgement.

11. Who do you most admire in your life? Tell us something about that person.

I admire people who are living their lives the way that they want, and not what others expect them to do... I struggle with this all the time...



J said…
Shawshank...my favourite movie of all time (it got HOSED for the oscar that year).

I also am a Stephen King fan...my favourite book of his is The Stand.