Call me crazy!

You all can call me certifiable after this latest move. Monday is my new phase in life" aka" non- smoking... I've been pondering over where to put the money that I spent smoking... I've borrowed 5,000.00 over the next two years to put in my RRSP's.

It was/is a large amount of money, but it works out to 106/biweekly. I've been spending about 100/biweekly smoking... So, now I have a huge, reason to no longer smoke... A new debt. Drastic? Yep, however, knowing that I owe this money ( and I can pay it off faster) is a huge motivator. Plus, I can talk about quitting smoking and not have any anxiety this time. Wish me well, as the first week will be rough, but I have a plan.

Visualizing myself running a 5 km this fall, picturing myself sitting around a campfire, not smoking, etc. Walking, cleaning, decluttering, dancing, yoga, and cooking will serve me well in the up coming months. Plus, lots and lots of water to flush my system... I have a huge box of straws on my desk at work, and I'll be buying some peppermints and gum to help me out.

So there you have it... My fawked up sense of motivation...


Michelle said…
I think that's a great motivator! Good luck!
Anonymous said…
thats a really good idea, a great way to stay motivated! you can do it!
Jolie said…
Visualization is key to success. You can do it, Sam!!
Jane said…
Ok, you're CRAZY!! But not really:) Sooo happy and pumped for you!! I quit (many times!) but the last time was the keeper and I'm so glad - you will find so many benefits to your health over the next few months as the toxins leave your system.
The Witch said…
Good luck on the no-smoking!!
I know you have tried to quit in the past a few times but I'm truly thinking this is now the time for you. It has to feel right like everything else we want to achieve there is a time and moment when you say to yourself this is it!
I think you have reached this moment.
Jerry said…
Well, this will lead to lots in savings. And, it's insurance for your health, which you already know. Good luck :)
Tania said…
Best of luck! That's definitely a different method to get yourself motivated, but I can definitely appreciate the madness in it. You can certainly do it!