Sunny Sunday!

Today I'm going to tidy the house before I leave for the week. I have three loads of laundry to do, beef barley soup and some vegetable soup to make ( my lunches for the next two weeks), a few grocery's to buy and a trip in the woods with the dog. I did made 130.00 working the past two nights ( both were 4 hours shifts).

I've also joined my PT work weight loss challenge. It's 10.00 to join, and at the weekly weigh in if you gain weight you pay per pound, if you lose, you pay nothing. The over all winner, based on percentage lost wins the pot. It's good incentive to get off my duff and win some money.

I just got back from shopping... I've wanted some new work clothes for a long time, and I haven't bought any new winter clothes for work in over a year. For 124.00 I got 2 new pairs of pants, 2 sweaters, 3 t-shirts, 2 tanks tops and a new pair of boots. If I had bought them all at full price I would have spent 372.90. I spent my tips on new clothes and I'm pretty happy with my purchases. It's rather funny that I bought new clothes before losing any weight, but I'm tired of wearing the same 5 pairs of pants to work every week, along with the holey t-shirts and tired looking sweaters.

I did pick up some chicken that was on sale and some broccoli and garlic. I'll be eating well this week!


Auntie April said…
I'm working my way up to starting on a weight loss/exercise program. I don't know how I'm going to do it just yet, but I'm working on the details.
Good luck with your weight loss!
Jolie said…
You are well planned out for menus for the week. Smart girl!
Michelle said…
Sounds like you got a good deal on all of your clothes!
Canadian Saver said…
I can't believe all you got for that amount, way to go!

good luck on the weigh loss challenge :-)
jpkittie said…
Good for you! those are great purchases!

good luck on your challenge! :)
Jane said…
Well Sam, Clinton and Stacey on What not to Wear say you gotta dress well for your shape now even if you DO plan to lose weight. I agree and am glad to hear you bought some new work clothes. I also rotate the same few pairs of pants but am hoping if I lose 10 lbs I can fit into the other 10 pairs that I currently can't fit into!!