So far this month...

I've had 6 no spend days, and I'm thinking that I may be able to pull off another 4 in the up coming week. Tomorrow I have to work, so I'll be hanging out at home, doing some work for work, a bit of cleaning and of course, walking the dog!

Tonight I spent just under 50.00 at the grocery store. There was a ton of good sales, and I ended up with yogurt, milk, cream, eggs, spinach, 2 x mushrooms, leeks, bananas, cantaloupe, 3 containers of stock, 2 cans tomato sauce, chicken strips, pork ribs, and pepperoni, oh and 2 bags of bits & bites. I'm planning on making a huge pot of spaghetti sauce on Sunday, along with a pizza. I'm also going to try my hand at leek and potato soup. The pizza will have red pepper, spinach, mushrooms, onions and pepperoni. The spaghetti sauce I'll add spinach, mushrooms, onions, peppers, gr beef, and tomatoes...

My goal for the week is not to buy groceries while I'm at work. I have lots of things up there to eat, and I'll bring a chicken breast to have for two suppers. I'll have an omelet another night, and my landlady is making supper on Monday. I have two lunches frozen for next week ( leftovers from last week), so I only need to bring three more lunches. I have oatmeal for breakfast and frozen blueberries to add, plus yogurt.

I'm working tomorrow night, so I'm throwing it out to the universe that I'd like to make 150.00 tomorrow night. Enjoy your week-end everyone.


~Carla~ said…
Great shopping trip! Sounds like you got a lot of food for your $$! :) Have a great weekend!
The Witch said…
There was some great sales on groceries and sounds like you stocked up on a few also.
Good luck on making that extra cash tonight.
I'm also having a great month of no spend days.
Jane said…
Hope you made your $150! Michael works part-time at a restaurant on Monday and Saturday nights and makes good tips but they cancelled his shift last night - very slow this time of year darn it! That's his pocket money.