Buying Gail's program and a confession

I spent 4.99 yesterday on Gail's little finicial package. I'll admit that I have no skills in excel and have attempted to figure out numerous times what's she's offered for free... to continually mess it up and end up with it saying I have more money than I really do!

If I don't start getting serious about what I owe, I'm a pay cheque away from disaster. Honestly... I'm embarassed about how much I owe... When I look at my gross income and my net pay, I'm amazed... At how bad I've messed up. However, I can fix things, I have the ability and the tools, and finally the desire to get things fixed. I'm too embarrased to tell people that I have no choice, I have to work the second job in order to keep the house going...

The biggest things I have to do is writing everything down... asking for recipts and most important? Quitting smoking... to redirect the 150.00/month I spend on smoking to debt repayment. My plan is to quit in 3.5 weeks ( or sooner). 75/biweekly to go towards a credit card payment... every penny counts...

That's my confession, debt to my eyeballs, but a work in progress with a workable plan and the knowledge that it took me years to do this to myself, but in 36 months I can be debt free. ( and maybe have a little fun at the same time)...


~Carla~ said…
Small steps!! You can do this!! Quitting smoking is the BEST thing you can do for your health & well-being!! I'm cheering you on!!
Lena said…
Good luck on quitting smoking!! Don't mean to sound like a preacher, but hey, it's good not only for your wallet but for your health too :)
Anonymous said…
Just remember not to wear yourself down. We sometimes focus so much on getting out of debt in the begining that we forget to take care of ourselves or beat ourselves up for not doing what we should. I think a 36 month plan sounds great.

Remember we are all cheering you on
Sharon said…
Quitting smoking will not only be good for the pocketbook, but also your health!! :)!!!
Unknown said…
Good luck and best wishes for your plan to quit smoking! It is one habit I have never been able to quit. We buy bags of cheap pipe tobacco and roll our own but for 2 people smoking we spend about $50 a month. I would prefer to quit all together and I am hoping we can do that this year!
Nd.chic said…
I'm right with you on quitting smoking. I have not been doing so great and it was my New Year's Resolution. I have smoked 2 packs since the first of the year. It's so hard but we will do it, Sam!
Frugal Woman said…
I know the feeling of getting real with yourself. I am at that point in my life, no more head in the sand denial. I still have setbacks but being on the PF sites everyday really does help, kind of my self help group without leaving the house! Good Luck!
Jolie said…
It isn't that much if it is successful in assisting you getting your budget how you want it to be.
Stephanie said…
Good for you... having a plan is half the battle! You will be successful if you set your mind to follow it. Maybe keep visual reminders around to help you. I think your plan is a good one. You've got support here, so keep us posted!
Jane said…
You've taken the first step!! WE're all behind you 110%! I bet you feel better just getting that off your chest AND about having a plan of action. You'll get nothing but support from us my dear! I quit - so can you and you'll be so glad you did - the benefits to you health will be almost immediate!
It's worth it if it helps! We all know Gail is awesome, so maybe you can be our guinea pig and let us know how it's going for you (no pressure... ;). Good for you for quitting smoking - it's not easy, but it's SO worth it! Hang in there!! I did it too.

Don't be too hard on yourself either. We're all behind you 100% on this journey. Your time line sounds reasonable and definitely doable. I'm looking forward to your progess!
Auntie April said…
Sam, I got my pompoms ready and I will be cheering you on girl!
Make your plan and work it for all you're worth. There is light at the end of the tunnel, m'dear.
jpkittie said…
baby steps - we are all there with you!

Good Luck on quitting! You can do it!!! Be healthy
Lisa said…
You can do it! Confession is good for the soul..... now move forward!
Finding my Way said…
Sounds like you are taking the time to get back in touch with you. You'll have to let us know how Gail's stuff works out for you.

(Please feel free to print any of the material you find helpful from my blog.)

Can't wait to see what moving and shaking you do this year!
The Witch said…
Good luck on quitting smoking and remember to take it one day at a time.
I saw Gail's program advertised on her blog site and I'm sure it will really help you to stay focused and start a new saving/debit payment plan.