Back to reality...

It's back to work for me, which means reality has hit home. Next week I'll be back to forking out 150/week for rent and gas, making the 2 hour drive twice a week or more ( depending on what's going on). I have 13 weeks left to pay rent and travel every week. It will go super fast I'm sure... The last 8 weeks, I'll be working mainly from home and then, I'm really not sure where I'll be working. ( No worries, my old job is guaranteed for me).

I did go bathing suit shopping yesterday and found 3 tops and 4 bottoms for 158.08. the store had just started putting out the bathing suits that morning, so I managed to find my size without a problem. I may borrow some dresses or I'll go and check out our local used clothing store.

I also decided to join the sealed pot challenge. I used a 1 litre mason jar, wrapped in a blue bag, then duct taped to the extreme. I think I'm going to use the money towards a good camera or a clothing shopping trip ( maybe a pair of Frye boots?) I'll open the sealed jar on December 1, 2012. I found about 10.00 in change around the house and threw that money in the jar to start.


Canadian Saver said…
Your trip's coming up fast, isn't it?? Do you have snow there? It's looking more like late October here, nothing on the ground at all... I love it!!

Have a great week :-)
~Carla~ said…
That's a lot of bathing suits! lol! Where are you going? :) My sealed pot is starving this month... Haha! Hopefully can beef it up next month!
Nd.chic said…
What is the sealed pot challenge? Did I miss that? I guess I can imagine what it is.
Jane said…
I like this idea of the sealed pot - each day I put any change from my wallet into it - it will be interesting to see how much there is come December.