I had written a post earlier...

but now that I'm calmer, I won't be posting it. I swore a ton in the post and writing it all down made me feel better. Deleting it will feel even better. I do wonder about people sometimes. How can some people have such narrow minds? Beliefs in statements like" what's a guy to do" and "it'll never change, that's just the way it is". Really people? Really? I need better coping skills for people like that.

It's been a rough week and I can say that I'm looking forward to going home tonight! Plus there is a bottle of spiced rum in the fridge, that I'm sure will taste mighty fine with a splash of water and a slice of lime... That will wait for Saturday night.


Sharon said…
I'm glad you are feeling better, I hope whatever it was that made you upset is past.

Only happy thoughts now...Congrats on selling your home!!!
~Carla~ said…
(((hugs))) Hope you have a good weekend!
Jane said…
Good plan to write it all out to get it off your chest. I have a couple of VERY NEGATIVE staff who work with my everyday. I TRY to tune out their conversations but it does get to me nonetheless. Hope you're having a relaxing weekend and mmmmm spiced rum sounds yummy!