The week-end is over, and I'm back to work...

This week-end flew by. I babysat my nephew on Friday night, and we had fun. We went to BK for supper, my parents came with us, we went to the Bulk Barn afterwards, and he spent money buying candy, while I bought a few dog treats and some popcorn. He was sound asleep by 9, and I was asleep not long after.

Saturday morning, I spent cleaning and doing little odds and ends in the kitchen. I had the fiber optic internet/phone/tv installed. It's working ok so far... and there's still nothing on TV. LOL

Saturday night I worked, made 115.00, and ran all night long... ( well, 'til 11:00 pm). Oh and I ran and grabbed a few groceries to get DD and myself through the week.

Sunday DD had her MRI, it went well, my big sister is home for a week, so we popped off to visit with her, and I scored some new to me clothes... I also squeezed in about 8 loads of laundry, mowed the lawn, etc. We had supper at my parents, ham, scalloped potatoes, mixed veggies and dessert.

I spent very little money with week-end ( 11.00 @ BK, 7 @ BB, 30.50 @ tobacco, 29.00 @ grocery store and 61.00 for gas.)

This week-end, I'm "suprise" working Saturday night, but will be home on Monday, as I have blood work and other stuff to get done. I'm hoping for nice weather so that I can get the outside work finished at my house!

Also, next week my baby turns 19... legal drinking age, and better yet, legal age to bartend... ( more money to be made). I have to think of something for her for her B-day... Maybe part of plane ticket to Ontario to check out some Universities.

I'm done rambling, see you all later...


Jane said…
Ahhhhh 19 years old. I remember that day well and the worries that came along with it. Kazi bartends as well as serves and definitely makes more tending bar and enjoys it more but they spread the shifts around a number of bartenders so she does both in order to make ends meet. Looks like rain around here on the weekend:(