Being a good parent...

Means getting up at 3:30 to answer the phone, driving to pick up teens from a party and making sure they all get into their homes safely. I did feel bad that one kid asked for a ride home, but I didn't have enough seats to take him safely. I hope he gets home ok.

It means not judging when they are crying over boy/girl problems on the drive home, and having to carry them into their homes because they had too much to drink... ( he was legal, but not responsible in his consumption tonight)

Being a good parent means ensuring the little chicks get safely into their homes and not walk down dark roads just because they want to.

Now that I'm up for the day, it's time for a coffee and watch the sunrise for the first time this summer! I love you DD and I'm glad that you called. I think I'll be taking a nap later on!


Stephanie said…
You are a very good parent! :)
Jane said…
You ARE a GREAT parent - I would tell Kazi to get a taxi!
jpkittie said…
you def are a great mom
~Carla~ said…
Good mom, smart kids for not driving! ;)