Voting time... pick your favorite and post a comment, then I'll decide on which one to mail out!


Auntie April said…
I personally love #4. Reminds me of last summer when our family vacationed in PEI.
Sharon said…
I LOVE the water picture!!! (Also I really, really like the first one too!)

You are amazing!! :)!
The Witch said…
Sorry I can't just pick one favorite I love them all. You have a great artist's eye.
I'm sure whichever one you choose the person will be very happy with.
its me, sam said…
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its me, sam said…
Number 1 is a Canadian prairie sunset, number 2 was inspired from a shot in O magazine years ago, number 3 is from a photo, number 4 is Cape D'or Nova Scotia, and number 5 is from my imagination, with a little help for the pansies.
Finding my Way said…
Favourite - Number 1. I reminds me of hiking with my guy and watching the sunset.

Plus - I also feel the tranquility of the moment in that picture.
Nd.chic said…
The first one is my favorite.
Jane said…
My vote is for number one because I took a photo that looked kind of like that once and I am very partial to sunset/sunrise pictures. Wow, really nice work Sam!!
Jolie said…
though i'm a prairie girl, I vote for #2
Anonymous said…
I love number four. It is beautiful and you have such talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said…
Number 4 is my favorite!! The water is very relaxing for me.
Canadian Saver said…
When I first saw them yesterday I loved them all too, couldn't pick a fav... Coming back today I think I'll pick #5, as I love pansies, but I also love the overall favorite, #4!
Anonymous said…
Wow. Seriously gorgeous! I'm in love with #4! Beautiful!
Anonymous said…
I really like number 3! It's beautiful...I think because I love fall best. Very nice work!
Anonymous said…
I like no 1 the best, then the ocean picture.
Stephanie said…
I love the first one the best. The colors grabbed my attention. It's beautiful!
Maureen said…
Gorgeous you clever girl