Not much going on

Waiting for the house to be finished, so I can get it cleaned and ready to roll. I talked to my realtor on Saturday. She has 2 people on her list for the house, plus who ever else is waiting in the wings. I told her that I wanted a very specific dollar amount for my house, in my pocket when it's all said and done. She thought that it was reasonable. Fingers crossed by Sunday, it's ready to roll.

DD will be finished school after Easter. Now, she would like me to come and get her... So once she decides when she's coming home, I need to take the day off, drive to get her and pack her up and come back home...

Money wise, well it's coming and going very fast...

Sunday was great, we walked for 1.5 hours, the dog was wiped out! Weather permitting, we'll be doing the same thing this week-end.


Nd.chic said…
It's so gorgeous out. Good for you for getting out and enjoying the beautiful weather.
Jane said…
Sounds like a LOT going on to me! Fixing up your house, getting it on the market, daughter coming home, dog needing to be walked...oh yeah, and working two jobs - you amaze me!
Lisa said…
Yes, you are one busy,busy lady!! I bet the walk is a great stress reliever~ Enjoy!!
jpkittie said…
sounds like things are going great! Good Luck on the opening of the sale of the house!!! Hope it is quick that it sells for you!