List of wants...

These are things that I want in no particular order:
1.) IPhone
2.) laser eye surgery
3.) new sneakers
4.) a trip to PEI this summer

That's it...

I will say that when the house is sold, I'm going to seriously look at "getting" at least one of these things. I have an eye appointment and will ask to be referred to the laser eye surgery spot for a consultation... The thought of getting up and actually being able to see without glasses is looking better and better all the time!


Jane said…
I'd love to have the laser surgery done too, but I'm chicken. But PEI? Well you will know a few of us there if you decide to come in the summer!You have a pretty short list - I think mine would be pretty short too, I just don't have a need or want a lot of stuff.
Jolie said…
I had lazer done in.........2001. It was scary but never hurt. Sadly it only lasted about 3 or so years before my vision changed and I needed contacts again. But ahhhhhhh to be able to see for those years.
Anonymous said…
I have to admit that I just love my iphone. When they came out I refused to get one but then I caved in after much nagging and it is just fantastic, especially if you are a visual person like me.
The Witch said…
I also would love too have laser eye surgery but I'm very scared of the process, don't know why but I am. I've known a few people who have had it done and on some it worked great others had to have it redone.
Your list is very short, but I do hope you get to P.E.I.
Have a great weekend and good luck on your open house.
Canadian Saver said…
I always thought the surgery was 100% permanent????

I LOVE my iPhone, recommend getting one :-) My plan is with Rogers and I have no complaints at all...

Definitely treat yourself to something when the house sells!