Getting ready for the open house.

My Realtor has decided to hold an open house this week-end. I've been busy doing the piddly things, like cleaning cabinets and shredding papers. I've managed to shred about 2 large black garbage bags full of old papers in the past few weeks. I'm down to one small accordion file folder and one portable file holder, plus the really important papers are now in the fire proof safe. Today I'll file my taxes and DD's too, fax my property taxes out, get the tires changed, and work a short shift at the restaurant, as someone is sick. I also work tomorrow night, and it will be busy, and I'll most likely work late. ( which means more money!)

Monday is looking like it will be a busy day too, as I have to vote, plus DD has a dentist and eye appointment, plus the car is going in for it's 48,000 km overhaul. Tuesday DD has a Dr's appointment, and I need to travel for work, and fingers crossed we get a visit into my brother and his family, so DD can see them before she leaves. Actually the whole week is looking pretty full... But I do have the week-end off, so I can have some time to do something fun!

I've been working with the dog, training him to go off his leash, and come back when he's called. So far, so good, and he's responding to hand signals, a snap of my fingers means sit, palm up means stay, index finger pointing down means lay down. Now, if I can just get him to stay calm when people enter the house I'll be all set!

Now, I'm off to watch a little more of the royal wedding and get ready to run errands. I hope everyone has a great week-end!


Sharon said…
I love that you are able to get so much accomplished. Doesn't getting rid of stuff feel really good? I just unloaded another 69 items (just from one room!) Yikes! I still have the kitchen to do and the utility room (ugh) so I think I'll hit my 1000 quite easily.

Enjoy your weekend!