It's official

DD will be living with her Dad for the summer. He bought her ticket and I have the copy in my inbox right now. She'll be home from University for 2 weeks and then off to the other side of the country to work.

It will be another quiet summer in this household again.


Jane said…
I guess we look at the pluses here: her dad is involved in her life and helping with costs! That's awesome. And you'll have 2 weeks with her - will you be off on holidays then?
its me, sam said…
I should be working from home most of the time, but we'll see for sure in the next few weeks.
Sharon said…
I like Jane's attitude -- finding the silver lining...My oldest just told me that she may be moving to Florida. I was not happy, but I guess I'll have to let go sometime.
Maureen said…
I agree with Jane in principal, but I know if it was one of mine moving away I would be devastated, my Daughter is my rock.....
thanks for that great idea of buying a gift card with the CDN Tire money and then buying gas with it....

also wanted to say, I so know how you feel about this bloody snow. Our roof is that steep though the snow won't stick on it, thank goodness, so at least I don't have to deal with that nightmare as well!!
