working from home has been approved!

My idea about working from home on Friday's has been approved. I have to be available until noon via e-mail and telephone, but the rest of the day is mine! I've taken on an additional duty at work, and instead of paying me, they're giving me the "day" off. It means that my rent will be reduced by 15.00/week, which isn't a ton of money but it's a start.

I can now plan my Friday afternoons for things like hair appointments, oil changes, etc, and not stress about being late and missing my appointments. I can also use Friday afternoons to do jobs around the house that I usually have to put off until I have a "break" of some kind.

I'm planning on giving each room in the house a "deep" cleaning, and I'm looking at having the entire main floor completed by the end of April. I plan on washing walls, windows, painting, etc, just in case I decide to put my house on the market in the spring.

DD's university "misplaced her student loan", when she went to get it this week. It took me 5 minutes of talking with someone to ensure that the loan was sent out, I called the University to let them know that her loan was sent out and should be there, and within an hour, DD's loan had appeared! She'll be very happy to get everything paid for. I normally let her handle life's curve balls, but once in a while momma bear will intervene.

Wednesday I spent nothing and Thursday I spent 6.29 cents on junk food ( chips, cookies and black licorice). I'm not sure if I'll spend anything today, and I don't need any groceries this week-end, so I can only see myself getting gas and tobacco this weekend. Fingers crossed that I make 100.00 tomorrow night when I work.

I'm off to get ready for work, as I've been up since 4:30 and I figure the quicker i get to work, the quicker I'll be home today!


Jane said…
Good for you - that's a great work arrangement! Good thing they FOUND your daughter's loan, and yes, us momma bears do have to step in once in a while:)
Stephanie said…
That's great news! I'm jealous. I'd love a day at home. Good luck making $100 :)
Maureen said…
It would be great to have a work day at home, so enjoy.

Good to know that Mum,s are there in an emergency
jpkittie said…
great news on the new work arrangements!!!! and for them to not have had the funding for her loan there, I would have been getting a little frustrated - good thing they found it so that you didn't have to go down there ;)
The Witch said…
This is awesome news. You will all cut down on your driving and gas bill some. I wish I could work out some kind of deal to just work three days a week, but I would lose my benefits so I'll think I will wait awhile before suggesting this.
Glad they found DD's student loan, what would she do without you!!
Hope you make that $100.00 in tips tonight also.
Canadian Saver said…
Hey great news on this being accepted!!!