The weather man was wrong!

I thought we were supposed to get a light dusting of snow, but mother nature dumped probably 20-25 cms of snow on us over night! Thank goodness it's light and fluffy, as I got the driveway shoveled out in a little over an hour.

I worked last night for under 5 hours and came home with 54.00 in my pocket. Not bad considering it had started to snow by 5:30. Yesterday I had another no spend day, and today I need to send DD's skates to her on the bus ( I'm sending one of her friends too, and we split the cost, plus I need gas, a few groceries, mainly fruit and to deposit my cheque from my PT job ( it was just over 350, and I'm saving 300 for school!)

I'm planning on buying a small bathroom heater too, and that should cost me about 40.00 ( I have no heat in the bathroom and some days it get a little chilly in there!)

So this morning will be devoted to running errands, this afternoon walking the dog and tonight I'll probably be going out.

I've been saving my change for the last 2 weeks, and so far I have 45.78 saved. I'm saving the change for vacation this summer, and I'm saving my Canadian Tire money too, as you can cash your CT money in to gift cards, and I'll use the gift card for gas!


I'm going 4 wheeling or quading for the afternoon in a snow storm! Wish me luck!


Lisa said…
That sounds like a lot of snow!! I think a small heater for your bathroom is a great idea..... worth every penny!

You are doing great with your Christmas savings too. Keep up the good work!
Jane said…
A "little chilly" lol! Reminds me of an apartment I had when I was a student. The bathroom had no heat plus the floor was on quite an angle (the room was just an add on to the original house) so I always worried that the bathroom was going to detach from the side of the house while I was in the bathtub - CRASH!
I DID NOT know that about Canadian tire money = gift card = gas. Thank you for that tip - I know I have a ton of CT $$ around the house:)
Maureen said…
My word do these weather people ever get it right. We were told to expect light showers and now Queensland is under water.