What I spent so far... and a minor mishap

Friday I spent nothing, had 2 different people pay for coffee at Tim's for me ( Score one for me!), I had sweet potato fries and salad for supper. The salad used up mushrooms, chicken, apple, cucumber, spinach and romaine lettuce so I can say I didn't waste any this week!

Yesterday I spent 26.25 on my bad habit, 7.91 at the grocery store on ground beef, red peppers, plum tomatoes and bananas, 4.00 on the mint flavoured girl guide cookies, 8.50 on library fines and 40.07 on gas. I found 10.00 in the car, which I tucked away, and I have a grand total of 13.51 for the next 5 days.

My minor mishap? It's funny and slightly scary at the same time... I wear glasses, not for the look but because I'm very near sighted, so near sighted that without my glasses the world is a nice gentle blur. I'm walking the dog and my mom is tagging along, I'm about 5 minutes from my door and I walk under a tree, to avoid a nice big mud puddle, a tree branch somehow finds its way between the arm of the glasses and my face, I jerk back and my glasses go flying into the mud puddle.I spent 5 minutes squatting in said mud puddle, patting the entire area down looking for the glasses, while my mother holds the dog and is telling me "use a stick". I finally told my mother" ma, what good is a stick, i need to use my hands to feel for the glasses because I can't see where they are." She finally got the idea, when a person can't see, they use their hands to see for them. I did find my glasses, amid a bunch of fallen leaves and mud after about 5 minutes. My feet were wet, my hands cold, and there was nothing I could do but laugh!

Today I'm going to mop floors, dust, change the beds ( and hang the sheets out), do some work for work and make apple pies. The apple pie making is a family event, my sister makes the crust, I peel and cut the apples and my mother assembles the pies. I'm not sure how many we'll make, but I'm figuring at least ten. I may be getting a basket of apples this week, and if I do, they'll become apple sauce over the week-end.

I also need to post what I spent in September and what I plan on spending in October... stay tuned... there are some tough decisions coming soon.


The Witch said…
I'm glad you found your glasses.I also wear glasses for the same reason and there is nothing more scarier when sometime like this happens. It would have looked funny you in a mud puddle.
Nice that it had a happening ending.
Enjoy you apple pie making it sound like fun.
I'm planning on picking some apples today. Honey Crisp are my favorite for eating.
its me, sam said…
I love honey crisps and pink ladies to eat! The muddle puddle was too funny, pat, pat, pat handful of leaves , no glasses, repeat and repeat again.
Canadian Saver said…
Hope the glasses are OK!! I wear contacts and without them I'm almost blind, so I know the feeling.

Enjoy the pie making!

I got tired of Honeycrisps last year if you can believe!!
Maureen said…
I,m as blind as a bat without my glasses, so I,m thinking thank goodness they did,nt smash when they fell off your face.
Now you,ve got me wondering what the tough decisions are, is having a spend less year not tough enough ????