What I ended up spending on Saturday...
Shoppers-58.22 ( I have to go back as they charged me for 1 too many items-2.99 is what they owe me)
Sobey's 53.70 ( I spent close to 17.00 on a bouquet of flowers for myself)
Wal-mart- 30.37 on face wash, make-up remover, etc for the house.
Frenchies- 4.73 on 2 books
Second hand clothing store - 4.98 on a tutu for DD for Halloween
Lunch out with DD 35.00 including tip
38.98 on tobacco and a lotto ticket
When i do the break down-
DD- 26.16
Halloween - 10.22
lunch out - 35.00
fun - 4.00
Lessons learned from this week-end-
Ensure that DD has her bank card when we go out. I didn't think she had it, but when we got home it fell on the floor.
Lunch out- next time just get take-out...It'll be much cheaper in the long run
When I run out of stuff- put the replacements into the budget... I could have managed to do without the face wash, etc as I can use what's here, but DD has sensitive/breakout prone skin.
DD had a very relaxing week-end, with few demands placed on her, and I think its exactly what she needed. She's leaving before supper tonight, and we'll have a good lunch, get her food items packed up some winter clothes and she'll be gone for another month or so.
Oh and my black boots that I bought last month at Winners? DD loves them so much she borrowed them and her friends all loved them. However, their mine, and won't be leaving with her!
Sobey's 53.70 ( I spent close to 17.00 on a bouquet of flowers for myself)
Wal-mart- 30.37 on face wash, make-up remover, etc for the house.
Frenchies- 4.73 on 2 books
Second hand clothing store - 4.98 on a tutu for DD for Halloween
Lunch out with DD 35.00 including tip
38.98 on tobacco and a lotto ticket
When i do the break down-
DD- 26.16
Halloween - 10.22
lunch out - 35.00
fun - 4.00
Lessons learned from this week-end-
Ensure that DD has her bank card when we go out. I didn't think she had it, but when we got home it fell on the floor.
Lunch out- next time just get take-out...It'll be much cheaper in the long run
When I run out of stuff- put the replacements into the budget... I could have managed to do without the face wash, etc as I can use what's here, but DD has sensitive/breakout prone skin.
DD had a very relaxing week-end, with few demands placed on her, and I think its exactly what she needed. She's leaving before supper tonight, and we'll have a good lunch, get her food items packed up some winter clothes and she'll be gone for another month or so.
Oh and my black boots that I bought last month at Winners? DD loves them so much she borrowed them and her friends all loved them. However, their mine, and won't be leaving with her!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Glad you and DD were able to spend it together.
Thanks for the tip on what Shoppers Drug Mart had on sale. I bought 4 things of butter. The line up was crazy at the check-out.
I missed the sale on butter, thought it was going on all week. Oh well... I didn't really need it on my hips ;-)
Too bad about the tobacco part...it takes up a lot of cash, huh? But it also is a hard habit to break. (I think I spend just as much on coffee, coke and chocolate!)
I spent $62.00 at Red Robyn and none of it tasted good. It felt like a waste.
I'm glad you had a great weekend! HOLD ONTO THOSE BOOTS!!!! :)!
Your spends werent too bad, except for the dreaded weed.