Friday spends...

I spent 1.00 towards a 50/50 ticket where the proceeds are going to a good cause. My mother had made homemade turkey soup and gave me a container for my supper. I also got my Halloween treats bagged up and put away for the big night. To do bags up for 46 little goblins I spent a total of 25.29. Each bag has 2 suckers, a vanilla or chocolate pudding, and either a mini chocolate bar or a little bag of Humpty Dumpty Cheesies.

I also had a pile of mail when I got home and I ended up slogging my way through the mail. I have to call and get my new Visa activated, and chop up the old ones. I'm also planning on getting started on my Christmas shopping this morning, picking up 2 gifts for DD and 1 for my nephew. Oh and I've been invited to a baby shower, so I'll pick up my usual "bath" things and have that ready for next week-end. I also need to take my recyclables back,plan my menu for the next week an return books and movies to the library.

I'm not doing so great in the running part of my plan for this year. I'm walking 2 or 3 days, but can't seem to pick up my feet enough to run. I think I need a running buddy.

My spending so far this month is better than the last few months. The only "impulse" item? A book that I bought and it wasn't that great. I work tonight and I'm not sure how busy it'll be but I would love to leave with at least 100.00 in my pocket tonight.


Lisa said…
I like how you are planning for Christmas! When planning my budget, I completely forgot to put a category in for Christmas.... am scrambling now!
Sharon said…
Ah, when you mentioned the word "Christmas" I got a twinge...I'm so not ready for it!! This year will be a huge challenge as I plan on not spending very much for Christmas.

Great job on getting ahead!
jpkittie said…
woot woot - look at you starting your christmas shopping! so proud of you!!!
its me, sam said…
I ended up getting 4 gifts for a total of less than 82.00, and that's including the tape for the paper!

I officially have 2 of my 5 nephews done! DD's list is started and I'm going to order another one of her gifts today, and I'll pay for it next week!
Jane said…
Christmas will be a huge challenge for me also - I'm used to having a big spending splurge that time of year and then spend a few months paying it off. Not this year - I plan to rein in my spending - but don't really have a plan yet.
You are doing great in that regard Sam!
I used to run, now I just walk as my knees just can't take it any more. Have 2 hikes planned for this weekend.
Maureen said…
I can,t believe you said the word Christmas right out loud, my family know better.

I am almost sure Santa went into retirement !!!!!!!