So my first challenge started today...

After paying some bills on line and realising that after paying my rent this week I have "drum roll please" 105.00 to last me until October 8th. Of the 105.00, 50.00 is for gas, 10.00 is for the exercise class I've joined and I love, 15.00 for groceries and I've designated 26.25 towards my bad habit. I did spend 3.49 cents today out of the 105, for 2 items for work, plus a bag of baked Dill pickle chips and an orange pop.It leaves me with 10.31 for anything else I may need. But my bills are paid and I'll have a small paycheck ( 90.00) to get me though the next week, plus a shift at the resturaunt ( which will be hit or miss).

All I can say is no worries!


Maureen said…
Does this mean that you won,t be spending anything in the first week of October, thats a great start to the month.
its me, sam said…
I'll be spending very little money this week, just gas and the essentials... no clothes, no entertainemnt, no resturaunts, just gas, groceries and the like...
The Witch said…
I'm proud of the way you have everything laid out for your spending.
Next week may be a little harder being Thanksgiving, but this could also mean a no spend, no drive just curl up with a good book and eat Pumpkin Pie with whip cream.
Bring on the long weekend.
Canadian Saver said…
October 8th will be here soon! I just got paid Thursday and am already anxious for the next one in 2 weeks! I've been spending way too much.

Our holiday will be here soon too!
jpkittie said…
Good Luck with the project!!! So glad to see you are in on it!!!