Not tracking my money for the past few days... But closely tracking Earl

I haven't tracked my money for the past few days... Bad blogger. I did spend a whopping 92.00 on make-up at Shoppers yesterday, 100 for hair cuts today, supper out last night 33.00, lunch today 25.00, gas 58.00, Wal-mart got around 75 in the past few days too! Oh and I spent 25.00 on a coupon book ( I've used 2 out of the book already and I'm glad). Plus 22.00 for DD to get waxed.

It's been way too hot here to cook anything inside, so it's been restaurants for 1 meal a day and snacking the rest of the time. By hot I'm talking between 35 - 40 degrees Celsius with the humidity. And Earl is coming and now it's looking like it's going to hit here sometime on Saturday. I'll be gone delivering Dd to University, so fingers crossed no damage is done! I'll be off line for a day or two and I'll see everyone on Sunday. PS I have the entire week-end off!


The Witch said…
I have been tracking Earl also and the worst is over. Just a few Sunflowers knocked to the ground, but then again Hubby tied everything down really well. I remember hurricane Juan and it was no fun.
Hope you have a great long weekend.