Starting to feel better ( physically and mentally)
My cold bug is getting better, I'm guessing that doing the bare minimum for four days was the cure ( and the Neti-Pot). Mentally, I've decided that I can only do so much at work. I'm not going to lower my standards, but will reach out to those who are willing to met them. I won;t be wasting my energy on those who will continue to fight or try to engage in arguments over what they're supposed to be learning. Plus, having voiced my concerns I feel better...
Today, I'll be working, taking time to catch a movie with DD and doing my taxes. Plus the sun is shining, so I'll take the dog for a walk before lunch!
Today, I'll be working, taking time to catch a movie with DD and doing my taxes. Plus the sun is shining, so I'll take the dog for a walk before lunch!