Spending update

I have a confession to make... out of the 3,000 I got back from income tax I have about 1300 left. I did spent close to 200 on Tupperware and the party, 300.00 for DD's cell phone bill ( I was so not happy considering that I don't even have one, but I couldn't stick my mom with the bill, although I was tempted, considering that DD and she have a plan together and the plan sucks), money on the Visa's, etc. I bought 2 magazines and 2 books, and that's it... but it doesn't take long to spend.

I know need to pay 200 to hold her place for University, 50.00 for room deposit, and 400.00 for her room too. Plus grad fees of 60.00, and she still hasn't decided about pictures...

We are planning on going to the big city on Saturday to shop for shoes for prom ( winners is my first choice), plus a run to Costco, and with teenaged girls to the Big mall, where I'll be parking my butt at Chapters and reading as I really don't like to shop and I get tired of wandering around. Plus I need a pair of jeans that fit, as the ones i bought second hand fit for the first hour, then I get saggy butt and thighs...
