Saturday spending

I spent 62.00 for gas ( 60 litres), plus another 40 for groceries ( chicken, yogurt, cucumber, cookies and cleaner). I spent 20 at Timmies, for coffee's for the next few weeks. I need to go to the bank and take money out of the rent and other stuff.
Today I have some work to finish up, walk the dog, fold laundry and put away, get ready for the week and pick up DD at the train station. I'm going to enjoy the sunshine( fingers crossed), and enjoy my last day at home.

This week while I'm away working I plan on walking 4 times, plus 1 exercise class. I work Friday night, I hope to take DD to the movies next week-end, and get some things finished up around the house.


The Asian Pear said…
ooh. whatcha gonna go watch?
its me, sam said…
Alice in Wonderland. I so love Johnny Depp!