Meeting my first of 12 goals for the year!

My challenge for myself this is to do 12 different things that I've often thought about but never did. The first thing I wanted to do was take a class in Yoga. But since I couldn't find a Yoga class, I joined ZUMBA. Tonight was my first class, and I did OK, I can thank my parents for the 6 years of dance classes they paid for, as I still remeber some of the moves! Thanks Mom and Dad:)

Next month, I'm commiting becoming a non-smoker ( the last Sunday is my quit date), plus one of my co-workers has offered to teach me how to knit, which is March's goal.I know that it'll take me a while to learn, but I want to eventually knit my own socks.

April, May, June and July I'm not 100% sure yet, but I want to learn how to canoe/kayak properly, so I need to find a water safety course. I know for sure that in August I want to take a vacation to PEI for 1 week ( rent a cottage, and just be, walk on the beach, eat, sleep and read).

September, October, November and December I'll have lots of time to decide!


Canadian Saver said…
I have no idea what Zumba is, but it sounds like fun!!