Spending and other stuff
I spent 119 on groceries yesterday... That includes dog food. I bought some extras that I don't normally buy like lemons for DD to make lemonade, ice cream, cream cheese etc. I also bought spinach and strawberries...
I did clean my fridge and stove yesterday, plus decorated outside for Christmas. I survived my mammogram... The tech did the right one first... I would have fallen to my knees but that's impossible. LOL However she didn't have it positioned correctly, so the second time no pain!
I'm getting my house cleaned up and out very slowly, but its making me feel better. I'm off for coffee with a friend, then the Bulk barn and home again. I have a walk planned with the dog and more housework/ work work. I may even go out tonight if I get enough stuff done.
I did clean my fridge and stove yesterday, plus decorated outside for Christmas. I survived my mammogram... The tech did the right one first... I would have fallen to my knees but that's impossible. LOL However she didn't have it positioned correctly, so the second time no pain!
I'm getting my house cleaned up and out very slowly, but its making me feel better. I'm off for coffee with a friend, then the Bulk barn and home again. I have a walk planned with the dog and more housework/ work work. I may even go out tonight if I get enough stuff done.